Look and Feel Young with HGH Supplements

Did you know that looking and feeling young need not be expensive? Most of us, in an effort to hide the signs of aging, would not mind to splurge on expensive anti-aging products. However, more often than not, these products fail us. These products may have a great promise, but they may not be able to deliver. Fortunately, researchers stumbled upon the role of human growth hormone (HGH) in the aging process. This discovery changes the way people deal with their aging problems.

The Relationship between Aging and HGH Levels
Researchers found that HGH is a major factor in the aging process. It was found that our youthful characteristics and vigor could be attributed to the levels of HGH. When we were younger, our body has high levels of HGH. But as we reach the age of twenty, the levels of HGH start to decline. By age thirty, a significant decline in HGH levels results in the appearance of the signs and symptoms of aging. Although the physical signs of aging are immediately noticed, aging actually affects us psychologically as well. Moreover, since our body becomes less efficient in doing its tasks, we become prone to diseases including the dreaded degenerative diseases. These signs and symptoms of aging are reasons why people have kept on searching for the elixir of youth.

The Importance of HGH Supplements
As researchers pointed out, HGH is the key player in the aging process. Thus, they considered HGH supplements to replace the lost hormone. HGH supplements first come in the form of injections. Scientists developed synthetic HGH that could be used to increase the blood levels of HGH by injecting the synthetic hormone into the body. Synthetic hormone injections have been effective in reversing the signs of aging. In fact, the Rudman study in 1990s demonstrated how HGH supplements could reverse the signs of aging. It was reported that men who were sixty to eighty years old, look and feel ten to twenty years younger after using HGH supplements for six months.

The effectiveness of HGH supplements in bringing back the youthful levels of the hormone resulted in increased demand for the product. However, injections are not the safest means to increase the levels of the hormone. First and foremost, injections consist of synthetic hormone, which poses certain threats to health. That is, the synthetic hormone may not work well with the body processes and thus it could elicit adverse reactions. Moreover, since injections are intended to help children with human growth hormone deficiency, they contain really high levels of the hormone. Abrupt increase in the levels of the hormone can shut off the natural process of production.

Scientists found that increasing the levels of the hormone without the risks and lofty cost of injections is actually possible. They found that by enhancing natural production of the hormone, people can still reap the same anti-aging benefits of injections. Enhanced natural production is facilitated by HGH supplements in spray form which contain amino acid releasers. Providing the body with these amino acids allows the pituitary gland to produce great amounts of the hormone even at old age. Undoubtedly, HGH spray is the safest yet effective way to look and feel young all over again.

Author : Grey Bradnam


Jeremiah Wilton

Obesity is associated with decreased human growth hormone levels. Decreased levels of growth hormone are associated with obesity and corticosteroid use.

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